The Soddy Daisy Food Bank is located at 255 Depot Street in Soddy Daisy Tennessee and operates from the basement of the Soddy United Methodist Church. Our normal operating hours are from 9 am to 11 am each Thursday. Clients start arriving early in the morning. The doors are opened at 7:30 am for client sign in and new client processing. Clients are provided with healthy nourishing USDA food and supplemented with items received from local supermarkets such as bakery and dairy products. All free of charge to our clients.
The Soddy Daisy Food Bank began in 1989 with a group of men from Soddy United Methodist and Daisy United Methodist Churches coming together to provide food for a few hungry families in North Hamilton County.
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Soddy Daisy Food Bank
History of the Soddy Daisy Food Bank
Since then men and women volunteers from the local area have been working together to provide and distribute food to families in our community needing temporary assistance. Our all volunteer workforce has now grown to approximately 80 dedicated people serving more than 300 families monthly in our community.
Website update: April 21, 2012 --- Ray Woodall
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